栏目:公司新闻 发布时间:2024-07-08
1.Research on the prediction algorithms of transmembrane protein topology;跨膜蛋白拓扑结构预测的研究进展
2.Survivability of SCI network topologys;SCI网络拓扑结构的可生存性
3.Research on the Topology of Hybrid Cascaded Multilevel Converters;混合级联型多电平变频器拓扑结构研究

1.Improved mechanism of unstructured P2P network topology structure非结构化P2P网络拓扑结构的改进机制
2.Nodes-Interest Based Topology Organizing Model for P2P System基于结点兴趣的P2P系统拓扑结构模型
3.Topological Structural Analysis Research of RRR-RRR Six Bar Mechanism;RRR-RRR六杆机构的拓扑结构分析
4.Characteristics of a Kind of Variable Topology Structure Parallel Mechanisms4-TPT与其变拓扑结构并联机构的特性
5.Document library server has not been added to the topology.文档库服务器尚未添加到拓扑结构中。
6.The document library already exists in the topology database.该文档库已存在于拓扑结构数据库中。
7.The Global Properties are not specified in the topology manager.未在拓扑结构管理器中指定“全局属性”。
8.Go to the Configure Server Topology page转到“配置服务器拓扑结构”页面
9.A switched fabric topology is the third Fibre Channel configuration.交换拓扑结构是第三种光纤通道配置。
10.Analysing the Topological Structure and the Content Relavence of the Information Networks信息网络拓扑结构与内容相关性研究
11.On the Topology of the Cellular Neural Network--Several Topics for Further Research of CNN关于细胞神经网络的拓扑结构的研究
12.Theory and Algorithm of Layout Optimization Characterized by Topological Structure具有拓扑结构布局优化的理论及算法
13.Research on the Life Characteristic of Internet Macroscopic Topology;Internet宏观拓扑结构的生命特征研究
14.Research on Analysis and Application of Topological Structures of the Interface Instability for Multi-component Fluids;多介质流体界面拓扑结构分析与应用
15.A Research on Circuit Topology of New Single-phase Dual Inverters UPS;新型单相双变流器UPS拓扑结构的研究
16.Topology optimization of microstructure configuration of super-light materials轻质材料微结构构型的拓扑优化设计
17.Reanalysis Methods for Topological Modifications of Structures and Engineering Applications结构拓扑修改重分析方法及工程应用
18.Study on Topology Optimization of Complex Mechanics Structure;复杂机械结构拓扑优化若干问题研究

Topological structure拓扑结构
1.Exploration into the plan of optimizing topological structure of the campus intranet;校园网拓扑结构优化方案的探讨
2.Analysis of valley topological structure and its computerization;流域拓扑结构分析与计算机实现
3.Tree-like topological structure of reconfigurable robots;可重构机器人树状拓扑结构
3)Topology structure拓扑结构
1.Data storage of machinery system topology structure based on graph;基于图的机械系统拓扑结构的数据存储
2.A Thinning Algorithm in Allusion to the Linear Objectsin Maps based on Global Topology Structure;一种基于整体拓扑结构的对地图中线对象的细化算法
3.For calculation of flow network in process simulation, the topology structure for flow network was described as an adjacency matrix and the strategy to identify flow network was studied with four sorts-series, parallel, branch and mixing, to put forward the algorithm for auto modeling and calculation of flow and pressure.为了解决化工过程仿真中管道网络计算的问题 ,本文运用邻接矩阵描述化工流程中管道网络拓扑结构 ,通过分析网络中串、并、分、汇 4种基本拓扑特征来识别管网 ,得出流量压力计算的自动建模与求解算法。
4)topologic structure拓扑结构
1.The study on the mode of knowledge management based on topologic structure;基于拓扑结构的知识管理模式
2.Influence of complex network topologic structure on system invulnerability;复杂网络拓扑结构对系统抗毁性影响研究
3.: The voice communications can be transferred from PSTN to an enterprise's data network by packetized voice and data & video integration technology.By use of the net topologic structure and the means of telnet and Internet,the communication operation of the confluence of data,voice and video over frame relay,DDN and VOIP is speeded应用分组语音、数据、视频等网络集成技术,将企业内部的语音通信从公众电话交换网(PSTN)转移至企业内部的数据网络上,利用其网络拓扑结构、远程拨号功能和Internet接入等手段,在帧中继、DDN专线和VoIP网络上高效融合数据、语音和视频等通信业务。
5)topology architecture拓扑结构
1.To direct at the voluntary of the standard back-propagation network in topology architecture and the choses of parameters, some adaptive BP networks are discussed:i.针对一般BP网络的拓扑结构和参数选择的随意性问题,讨论了几种自适应BP网络,即自适应调整网络的拓扑结构和自适应调节学习步长的改进BP算法,综合二者构造了一种修正的自适应BP算法。
2.In this paper,it studied the topology architecture and routing characteristics of the spaceinformation network,then the length of ISL(inter satellite link) and performance of coverage areanalyzed.研究了空间信息网络的拓扑结构和路由特点,对网络的星间链路长度和覆盖性能进行了分析。
3.In this paper,ANN-based adaptive control for stable M of FL-7 wind tunnel by-pass valves nonlinear control system is introduced, and network topology architecture, connection weight adjustment,selfconfiguring learning, their implementation are studied.FL-7风洞旁路活门非线性控制系统稳M数神经网络自适应控制中的网络拓扑结构,权值调整,自构性学习,及其实现方法表明,整个系统控制性能优良,不仅控制精度高,而且节省燃油,可靠性性能良好。
6)network topology拓扑结构
1.This paper discuss the coverage and Network topology of the satellite constellation.本文对目前的星座覆盖性能及星座拓扑结构设计方法进行了简要分析,设计了一种适合我国实际且易于工程实现的双层轨道星座系统,并实现了拓扑结构的仿真可视化显示。
2.Firstly, the paper introduces the conception, Development domestically and abroad, network model and network characteristic, network architecture, networking protocol and network topology of underwater operation network.在此基础上,提出了水下作战网络的概念和网络模型,分析了水下作战网络的特点、网络体系结构与网络拓扑结构、网络协议,然后指出了构建水下作战网络面临的困难,及我国应着重突破的技术难点,希望为接下来的具体研究提供一定的指导。

拓扑结构拓扑结构topological structures  义e,。(a,g)=g(a). b)对每个‘对象C,映射必(B滩)〔’~B““c是满映射,这里对每个扩态射.f:C,B月定义沙(f)-e,,。。(l月Xf)· 4)于是,就I头万。爪es闭的拓扑范畴丫而言,下列结论成立: a)第一指数律:AB‘“全(AB)c: b)第二指数律:(n。,A.)”一rI:。,A宁; 。)第三指数律:A“‘山兰n,。,A‘; d)分配律:A xu,。,B,望H:。,A xB卜 l)乏“ld巴闭的拓扑范畴的例子有Set,RTOP,L而,Conv,Grill,Born,SunP,Rere,PIOId,CGToP. 5)若了是有初始结构的范畴,则丫是l)万口门℃s闭范畴的充要条件是:对每个犷对象A,函子Ax一保持最终渊数.此外,在l)粥。U七万闭的有初始结构的范畴扩中,幂对象B月可以解释为集合汇A,B」,配备了某个适当的丫结构,即是一个“函数空间”(精确到同构),而丫态射e,、,则是通常的赋值映射(精确到同构).由于I天万。八巴闭的有初始结构的范畴的任何极端满自反子范畴都是1)治以饰留闭范畴,所以范畴Posct,H〔!onv(Hausdo盯收敛空间),HLinl(Hausdol吓极限空间)以及HRTop(Hausdo甫伪拓扑空间)都是1)乏。
